Congratulations to the winning teachers for the 2024-2025 first grant cycle. We are so proud of our teachers for going above and beyond and looking for ways to enhance the learning experience for their students. It is wonderful that they take the time to do this so the Frankfort Education Foundation can help expand educational opportunities for Frankfort Schools.
Fall Cyle October 2025
Awarded: $5437

Frankfort High School
Mary Branstetter FACS Teacher - "FCCLA Career Tech Student Organization"
Rebecca Cesare FHS Art Teacher - "Instant Art Gallery- Celebrating Art in House"
Kenneth Dooley - "Auto Skills jobs"
Andy Dudley- Math Teacher - "TI84 Graphing Calculators for AP statistics"
Doug Smart- Math Teacher - "Delta Math student resource expense"
Lee Ann Thomas - "CPR Certification for ECE and Ed Prof Students"
Kelsey Ferrel, Suncrest Elementary School Nurse - "Child Pants for Bathroom Accidents"

Next Cycle opens January 2025